By Degrees Foundation 529 Savings Account Program
By Degrees Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has worked in Des Moines since 1990 to help more students graduate from high school and attend postsecondary education. In 2014, we began our partnership with Findley Elementary and have since expanded to support the entire K-12 network from Findley Elementary to Harding Middle and North High.

Our 529 savings account program celebrates achievements and incentivizes future-focused behaviors. All Findley Elementary students, regardless of grade level, are able to have a free 529 savings account opened in their names, owned and financed by By Degrees.

To participate in this free program, guardians or family members of Findley Elementary students must sign up for an account by providing the information required on this website. As you complete this information, please keep the following terms in mind:

The beneficiary is the student for whom the account is being opened.

The interested party is the guardian or family member who wishes to receive communications about the student's 529 savings account.

The SSN/TIN is the student's Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number, if applicable.

  1. What is the highest level of education completed by adults in your household? (Please indicate the highest level of education completed by any adult residing in the same household as the student.)
  2. What level of education do you expect your child to pursue after high school? (Check all that apply.)

  3. If you checked 'Other' to the previous question, please explain or write N/A.
  4. For the next 7 questions, please choose how much you agree or disagree with the statement.

    Educational achievement is a priority in our family.
  5. Access to experiences like school field trips, after-school clubs, summer camps, and other experiences that encourage exploration and development is important to our family.
  6. I talk with my student about their educational plans and/or dreams for their future.
  7. I believe my student can develop the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in life after high school (college, training, workforce, etc.).
  8. I am interested in learning more about what kinds of postsecondary options are available to my student after high school.
  9. I am interested in learning more about how to pay for education after high school (trade/technical/vocational training, college, etc.).
  10. I am confident my student and/or my family will have the resources to afford education costs after high school.
  11. As you consider your student's education and future, what other concerns, thoughts, or questions do you have? (Example: paying for extracurricular experiences, transportation to school or sporting events, etc.). If none, write N/A.